Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Gate Crashers.

Our church has a prayer time every Wednesday morning at 6:30.

Those of us who come, ask how each other is doing. We chat for a time.

God hears our chattings. He hears our inner thoughts too, when we don't want to talk out loud about them.

For that hour, God becomes another member of the group, sitting and listening, encouraging, offering peace and wholeness to a sometimes bedraggled and tired group of seekers.

We take specific time to let Him know of our concerns.....for those who are sick; for those who haven't been able to find Him - yet; for the Body at Gateway; for those who are lonely and lost; for those who can't get beyond their grief......and sometimes we just talk to Him about ourselves and our families.

There are times of lament....others of praise.........all to a God who desires us to be in relationship with Him.

We come.................and we crash against heaven's gates.

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