Saturday, June 9, 2007

We're outta' here!!!

Seems like these days people are in a moving mode. People I know are moving to different homes or different cities. Children are moving back from university. Some young people are taking up jobs in the middle of nowhere....that's right.....son is cleaning up at Covenant Heights Bible Camp for the in maintenance man. That will be a good thing.

And husband and I are no different. We're joining the throngs of shakers and movers.

There are bags for the thrift store.
There are bags for friends who need stuff.
There are bags for garbage.
There are bags for recycled paper.
There are bags to be actually moved.......somewhere. As of this moment, we have sold our house, but don't yet know where we're going. Somewhere. I'm sure it will be somewhere.

But the more I pack up, the more embarrassed I become. How on earth did so much "stuff" get into this house? I really never thought myself to be a "pack-rat extra-ordinaire" . I have always left that illustrious title to husband. Alas, I find I have joined the ranks. I must confess, I have waaaaaaay too much of everything. That's what is embarrassing! So many people have so little. Here I am sitting in a sea of green garbage bags and cardboard boxes, getting higher as I type. Who needs 30 towels??!!!! A half dozen would do just fine. And crystal. Why I have water, juice, wine, beer, brandy, martini and various other shapes and sizes of glasses, I'll never know. We don't even drink brandy!!! or martini's for that matter!! Is that "Shaken....not stirred"?????? I don't even have a shaker for Pete's sake. I will keep those wine glasses though.

I do believe it is the right time to home or not!!!! But I keep finding things. Things that I remember my mother having on her dresser when I was very, very small. Things that my father had given to my mother. A letter I received from the husband before we were married dated......January 6, of my younger brother in the summer of 1974, just before he died....and his shoes........and sports jacket. I kept things. Things I didn't want to let go. Things that allowed me to remember. I'm having to give them up now. That's hard. I have begun to cry several times but have given myself a talking to. Life is change. Period.

And, there is a season for everything.

But, it's final!! We're outta' here in a few short weeks, and may God provide for our every
N E E in roof.

1 comment:

Corinne said...

In someways it seems we are venturing out on similar paths....You are preparing to move to a new home and I am moving to a new job. I know what you mean out being a pack rat....I ended up taking 3 boxes of personal things home from the office, I couldn't believe it that I had saved three boxes worth of stuff in the 8 years I was with Forestry....I saved everything from the little notes and pictures my kids left me to article that I printed off the environet to read and the cards I have recieved over the years...oh my gosh...what a pack rat I have become....I can only imagine what you are finding after living most of your life in your house. I don't look forward to having to pack up my house....sometimes letting go is hard...but like you say, it has to be done......

I am going to miss you when I am over at HR but the time shall fly by and before we know it......your sidekick will return.
