Tuesday, November 27, 2007

A new recipe.

It's the time of year to do "festive" baking.

When I arrived home, husband had found a new recipe - cinnamon/almond shortbread in a pan. I don't think it's like "sex in a pan" but we'll have to wait and see..............;-)

He'd like me to give it a try - the new recipe, that is. It looks good.

I think I will.

It's different baking in this new house of ours. I haven't yet found my comfort zone in the kitchen..............probably because husband is always in there cooking!!! I'll take over in the evenings and do the Christmas baking at my leisure. On second thought, maybe I should make that "sex in a pan"...........husband would be pleased...........

Before that, I had better get going and first make my good old standby - the (in)famous English shortbread - dear Mother's recipe......before I try that new one with the nuts and stuff added.

The eggs should be room temperature by now. It makes a difference, you know.

If you stop by, I'll let you taste a shortbread or two.....but maybe you should call first, just in case I end up making, you know...........that 'other' recipe..............


Anonymous said...

You're lucky, Marc and I don't have a pan big enough. :)

Sharon Kent said...

lol Dixie!!!