Thursday, June 19, 2008


It's coming down so fast and furiously that I can hardly see down the block. Well, that's a slight exaggeration but it's pouring out there.

I can just see God, washing supper dishes, chatting away to...oh, let's mom and dad and the Apostle Paul, and mentioning about the good times they all had while they were down here on this ole' earth....water running in the sink.....chatting and chatting.....water pouring over and down the side of the sink.....and right down on Prince Albert.

God says, "Whoa there, I'd better pay attention to what I'm doing here!"...and shuts off the taps....

Now I can go to see Aunt Connie.

I hope he doesn't get too busy with more dishes and more least not 'til I get home.

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