Sunday, August 17, 2008

I'm hooked.

Ya, I never thought I'd see the day when I would agree with the ordination of females.

Ten years ago, I would not have agreed with that concept.

Something changed.

In that time, a very dear friend of mine has taught me new ways of thinking, new concepts, and the acceptance of the roles of females in various positions including the pastorship of churches.

It's great to be blessed by someone who trusts you and loves you more than you actually deserve. It's good to know that I have been a blessing to her too.

Yes, she has taught me a lot in the last few years and continues to do so.

She spoke in church today as the pastor was away. She had excellent things to say about our Christian heritage and how God saw to it that not only his chosen people through Abraham, had salvation of their souls, but we "Gentiles" could be grafted onto that lineage of Abraham also , achieving that salvation through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, the one true Son of the Most High God.

I'm hooked on having women being able to pastor. That's a fact.

1 comment:

Linea said...

Ohhh, Sharon! If I was a bit younger, I wouldn't hesitate. But I don't know - I think maybe something like that - maybe not the whole meal deal. Whatever it is, I need to be sure I am not just satisfying some personal whim.