Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Life in the wild...

Our vacation afforded many opportunities to view large omnivores and herbivores up close and fairly personal. Life in the animal kingdom intrigues me and every chance I had, I was out there with those beasts attempting to capture some essence of their life in the wild. Click on picture for full screen.

Elk were abundant and roamed throughout the park unconcerned of our presence. When we first arrived in late June however, a portion of the trailer park in which we were staying was closed, as a very protective Mama elk would give chase to anyone who would be anywhere near her calf. She eventually, like all moms when their kids begin to grow up, became less protective which allowed the rest of the trailer area to be opened up for public use.

The young female bear, perhaps a yearling, was very thin and had a cub trailing behind her. She didn't look as if she was up to caring for her little one, but she appeared determined to do the best she could do under the circumstances. I've seen very young human moms in that same situation and the offspring grow up beautiful and healthy. It's all in the determination.

When we came upon the doe, she was very complacent and went about her business of cooking her wild strawberries on the campground BBQ.

I look at these animals in awe. They are survivors.....through harsh Saskatchewan winters, their escape from predators, coming through times of drought and famine...all these things. But God, their Creator has provided for them and in that, they live to breed and raise young and be there in their surroundings for us to enjoy.

Perhaps tomorrow, I can feature some shots of birds in flight.....well, I tried to get them in flight anyway. I'm still such a rooky. I have to learn to be more prepared for that special shot instead of throwing down my fishing rod, grabbing my digital, finding it's on the wrong setting, attempting to find the right setting and then looking up to see the bird has flown the coop. As I say, I'm in the learning mode.....with nature and camera.

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