Saturday, October 25, 2008

Catholic roots....and Auntie Nora

Saskatoon Ukranian Catholic Bishop, Bryan Bayda
Orvin (Ken's brother)

One of Ken's numerous cousins.....

Ken's cousin, Margaret

Follow me husband's father's brother's wife (Ken's Aunt Nora) passed away this week. She was a solid farm woman, strong, energetic, hospitable, kind and faithful to her Catholic roots. It was nothing for her and her husband Peter to have up to 40 or more folks over after church for a Sunday afternoon of dinner and cards and laughing and joking and celebrating each other. I was at a few of those Sunday afternoons years ago when their farm was the gathering place. Auntie Nora prepared, cooked for and looked after all who entered her home. She had a true gift of hospitality and she will be lovingly remembered for that.
The funeral was today. We found ourselves with family again. People we haven't seen in over 30 years. Yes, we agreed. We have all changed!! But it's like we just kept on from where we left off 30 years ago. Lots of catching up and laughing and remembering dear Auntie Nora.
Ken grew up in the Catholic church. We were married there too, in the huge cathedral in P.A. So, to be amongst all the rest of his family who continued on in their Catholic heritage, we (now evangelicals) were sorely outnumbered. But during the service, we remembered most of the liturgy and participated in communion. As we came forward to receive the Host, the Body of Christ, we were served by the Ukranian Catholic Bishop of Saskatoon, Fr. Bryan Bayda.....Ken's cousin's son. (top picture) We visited with Ken's brother (2nd pic) and his wife and their son. There were so many blonde heads around that we could see we were in the presence of Ken's relatives. I suppose that's where our son gets his short mane of blondness!
It was all good. Good for us to see that even though 99% of Ken's relatives are from a different community of faith, we can all come together as one family, share in the Body of Christ and love each other in our differences.
It was a blessed day.

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