Tuesday, October 21, 2008

One good man....

Today would have been my dad's 95th birthday. He was born on October 21, 1913 and passed away April 2, 1986.

The picture above is taken in 1979 when our daughter was two and a half.

See the smile on his face. Shannon brought that smile to his face every single time they were together.

The "wheelbarrow ride" was one thing amongst many that he enjoyed doing with her. He took her for bike rides, walks and car rides. They could be seen together laughing, as she would have him sit while she made him look pretty with hair clips, scarves and hats at her beauty salon. Other times she would snuggle up on his lap and they would enjoy a nap on the big chair together.

Birthdays and Christmas and every celebration going would find them together, enjoying their special relationship.

They adored one another this dad of mine and this daughter of mine.

I shall always be grateful to him for giving Shannon his grandfatherly time and love over the 9 all-too-brief years they had with each other.

So, here's to a Happy Birthday remembrance to one good man, my dad....Philip Benson....a man I adored and loved and was proud to be called his daughter.


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