Wednesday, April 8, 2009

The Relay for Life BBQ Launch...

We've been raising money for the Cancer Society
for a while now.
Dick started flipping burgers at 9:30 a.m.

Marc and Ken came along to help out
with feeding the crowd.

There were some big eaters!:-)

Team work with Deb, Marty and just gets the job done.

The "money takers", Andrea and Stan
look quite hospitable?

Carman and our illustrious Studs&Peelers
Captain, Val, host the masses.
These guys were hungry!

A sea of yellow.....all cancer survivors.

A good place to meet friends.

Speaking of her son....who's a survivor.

His Worship, Mayor Scarrow represented the
City of Prince Albert.

The three flags with representatives
of each category.
The teams of the "Studs and Peelers" as well as remnants of the "Dead Wings", hosted this year's Relay for Life Launch for 2009 with a well-attended BBQ at the Forest Centre Building today at noon.
We had compliments on the food.....thanks to those great cooking fiends...Marc, Dick and Ken.
The cooking began very early and still we had line-ups waiting for burgers. People came back for seconds too.
There were speakers there who encouraged the crowd to keep on supporting this cause of cancer research.
I think every one of us has known someone with cancer and so we try, in our very small way, to raise money and in that raising of money, our "team" becomes a close-knit group, working hard and giving tirelessly of their time, energy and resources. I believe we all think it's worth every effort.
The Fundraising has officially begun and Cancer Awareness is being presented to us in many forms. There are things we can do to become more healthy and look after our bodies, tangible things like quiting smoking, eating the right foods and exercising. It's a start.
So, if you hear someone asking you to support them with a pledge of money, give largely, give generously, give with just never knows where this disease may strike.

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