Thursday, May 28, 2009

Well, that was some "meeting"!

These were spectators to the antics below...

Folks relaxing after a hard day at the "office"...

Let the meetings begin....

"Doc" and some of his crew...

Don't you bid any higher than me!!!

Dave hosted Ethnic Night.

Xilin and Xianhua cooking REAL Chinese food.

Rod and our new Assistant Deputy Minister, Lin.

Peking Duck

The Trout Pond (named after Brenda's dad)

We scared up a pair of geese.

Referees Carole and April

Summer Students - Dave and Christine

Bob and Gigi...(fill in the caption)

Melissa and Rod (fill in the caption)

The old and the new - John and David

Michael - the ball toss....

Sure we had meetings....Twila......

An eagle flew by...

Deb (another 'fill in the caption')

Roske and Rod helps to hang on to belt loops....

Jess the "Pro"

Bob R. (bye to you too, Bob):-)
The Ski Tournament
The Meeting Place
Touring around....

Late nights & early mornings.....
And that gives you a picture of my last three days.


Marc Vandersluys said...

The "Doc" looks a lot like Madeline's soccer coach. In fact, I believe it's him.

He's a nice man.

Sharon Kent said...

Yes, he's also "Mr. Soccer". He's not only nice but totally hilarious. Madeline is fortunate!

See you next week.:-(