Wednesday, June 17, 2009


While we ate a delicious meal of Northern Pike with our special guests, the lightning flashed and the thunder roared and growled and rumbled. There were moments when I had to do a bit of lip reading, it was that loud.....and then the rain. Oh that sweet, delicious rain. As brief as it was, it will nourish and give life to needy plants that have been parched after a week or more of +30C temperatures....not that I'm complaining.

But the best part came afterwards. Yes, we did have Saskatoon pie with ice cream, following the main course but that still wasn't the best part.

It was the R A I N B O W.

That curvature of light, that spectrum of color, that colossal arch in the eastern sky, proclaimed once more, the promise of God to his creation. His promise of refreshment to the earth not destruction as it once had been. We have a God that cares about his creations....that's us, by the way, and that care comes in the form of provision. He provides water and Northern Pike and lilacs and Saskatoon berries and sweet smelling grass..........and rainbows.

So, today I want to encourage you that no matter what problems you're experiencing, no matter how dark the storm of your life may be and you feel there is no assured that after the darkness of that storm will come your very own rainbow. If you don't believe it, I will believe it for you.

And when that rainbow does come to you, remember it long after it has disappeared and thank God for it.

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