Monday, August 24, 2009


Just a few pictures of our yard this summer. Nothing spectacular. Simply some colorful blooms and the oh, so green grass and trees. Plus a shot of some great clouds that were above us a couple of days ago.....have I mentioned that I do love clouds....:-) These were awesome!!!
And so goes summer 2009. I know it officially doesn't end until September 20 (or is it the 21st), but as far as I'm concerned, it feels like it's over the week school begins.
Summer has been restful for me. It was gentle and kind to me. It gave me space to breathe.
I think time spent with my family was the most precious part. We HAD to live all together under one small roof and we somehow made it! We played together and laughed. We took walks and fished. We read and frustrated a time or two and shared meals together. I think most folks at times feel that THEIR family is the most dysfunctional family there is on the planet, and our family is certainly no exception. We may have even given meaning to the word dysfunctional. But be that or not, we seem to be progressing favorably in the right direction.
So, color is not always expressed in blossoms and rainbows, it is also expressed in our personalities....sometimes red, often blue and even black. But we are who we are and in our maturing and growing together as a family, we are learning the fine art of expression without being cruel, and the art of loving without being judgmental.
It all takes time....just like the flowering plants. They begin as a small sprig of green and as they grow and mature, turn into a mass of beauty.....but not without weeding and pinching off the dead blooms. We're like that, aren't we? We need a lot of cultivating too, to keep relationship blooming.
Enjoy the color you have in your life around you today.......winter cometh!!

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