Saturday, October 17, 2009

The commonality of the heavens....

I always find it strange how this very same moon reflects the sun's light on everyone in the same manner.
It has no preferences as to whom it will give it's light.
It glows on the rich, the poor,
...the sick and the healthy...
...kings and queens......the homeless and downtrodden.....
...those being persecuted and murdered....and those languishing in luxury and oblivion....
We all have the moon in common.
And when I look up at it, plopped up there by our Creator to give us light by night, I thank him that this same moon will be seen by my family in Regina and also in India. It's good to share the moon together....
Same could be said, of course, for the sun and stars.
The heavens.....I look up and realize the immensity of it all and that I share this same sky with those I love, wherever they are.

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