Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Walking the path...

But which path do we choose? Left or right.....or turn back??? We have a choice.
It's the beginning of Lent today, the season of making ourselves new again and the preparation we must involve ourselves in before this newness can take hold and change us.
It involves acknowledging our unholiness, our un-right-ness, our need for help and our need to be forgiven. It involves making choices....
We may wonder why it is necessary to go through this time of preparation. We've lived pretty good lives, haven't killed anyone, or taken anything that didn't belong to us, or cuss (too much). We've been pretty upright citizens and a good example of the human race, as far as we're concerned.
But there is something deep within us that knows better. There's something way down there that says we really haven't been what we could be and we've not taken things seriously, like feeding the poor and helping out those that need shelter and clothing.....loving our neighbor.
If we do all that, will we be better people? Perhaps. Depends I guess on our motives and why we do these good things. If it's to make ourselves look good to others, we might just as well stay home under the bed covers and hide in shame.
This is Lent...a time to revisit our motives, to decide which path we want to go on, a time to ask for help and forgiveness from God and others and a time to attempt to be better people......
Which path will I take?

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