Thursday, March 25, 2010

The Storyteller....

It was a totally fun afternoon telling "tree stories" to these little pre-schoolers.

Then "Disciduous Dora" came and told the children that they shouldn't be breaking her branches or hacking at her trunk as she didn't particularly enjoy that.

I then went back to stamping envelopes........I think I'll have to change my job description.


Dixie Vandersluys said...

I *love* that picture of you! I'm thinking "Facebook profile picture". :)

Seriously, though, it made me smile. Such an animated story-teller.

Anonymous said...

You look so serious. Better serious than a tree maybe.

Linea said...

What a fun way to work. Looks as if you are an expert storyteller.

Sharon Kent said...

I remember the good old days when I told a few stories to children on an afternoon local TV program. That was fun!!:-)

The important thing about storytelling is engaging the children.....the story rarely gets told but you certainly find out about the children as they tell you about their own little exciting worlds....which may or may not have anything to do with the story at all.