Wednesday, January 12, 2011


I think I'm beginning to understand why Jesus said we are to forgive 70 times 7.  That's a whole lot of times!

It's because we mess up constantly.  We flap off at the mouth.  We let our baser natures take over and we think we are the only person worth listening to.  Our ego tells us that what we have to say must certainly be correct and more important than what anyone else has said....after all, WE said it, therefore, it must be true AND important.  And we raise our voice to make it stand firm.

How very silly.  It even looks silly to bystanders.

When a person acts like that, they need to be forgiven.  They need to be shown another way.  They need to be led by example.

How do we do that.

I think it takes letting the Spirit of God mix it up a whole lot with our spirit, to infuse our beings with extra-ordinary love...and only then can we truly forgive for the sake of the other....and not go the route of anger and bitterness.  We can.  But love allows for the better choice.

Forgiveness = Love = Forgiveness = Love.....get the picture?   Ya.

Speaking of is the home of the Narrows otters of Waskesiu...both summer and winter.



Dixie said...

For the class I took last week, I'm doing a paper about theological and psychological perspectives on forgiveness. I love that you equate it with love. You said it perfectly. Now, if only my paper was two words instead of 15-20 pages! :)

matt said...

Yeah, I think you're right. Forgiveness and love are united inseparably. Without forgiveness we can't love because love only happens in the present moment and anger and bitterness are rooted in the past.

Dixie, I'm intrigued by your paper. Let me know how it goes and what you uncover:)