I suppose we can all do better at most things but to be passionately challenged in such a way as we were this weekend is to know there really are things that can be improved upon.
I know I am beginning to think a bit outside the box lately when it comes to religion and church and I think that is OK. I want to be able to change so that I can be of more help to more people....not to compromise my beliefs, although to some, that may appear to be the case, but to be able to really love people...not allowing room for "religiousity". I don't need any more of that stuff.
What I need is a desire within me to be led by Holy hands...into newness and life.
Sounds like a piece of cake.
In the challenge that was presented us, as we sought to find out exactly where our own church was, we came away having various thoughts and emotions that were uncomfortable. Uncomfortable because it means we have to do some hard work and we wonder if we are up for this challenge.
I think we are on a presipice. We can jump and trust in The Arms at the bottom to catch us and hold us. We can also stay there on the ledge, sit down and be safe....immovable.
A choice.
I dislike choices.
A lot.
So, I sit and ponder and read and re-read and think about all the ideas, concepts and truths that were offered by so many dear friends. I sit and think about the difficult choices that churches must make in order to be of more service and help. I think about how vital it is to be more closely linked to the Spirit of God in order to accomplish anything.
God, may I have enough passion for how Jesus went about ministering to folks that I would become like him.
Reacquainting with old friends.
Dr. Curtis Chicoine....our friend.:)
The guest lecturerer - Dr. John Wenrich
"Where are you, as a church, on this picture?"...was the question posed to all.
Folks shared deeply...their hopes and failures.
Charlie and Sandy Chicoine ...and their son, Clinton.
Julia - our Conference Treasurer from Winnipeg.
Some of the folk from Gateway.
Phil Loseth and Judy Nelson
And now for a good rest.
Sounds like a wonderful challenge! Uncomfortable??? Hmm, yes, most certainly:)
I hope and pray that you can take those steps, together, as a community.
But if no one else goes for it, just jump and see what happens anyway;)
Not to mention unnerving...but I think I'll have a go!
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