Saturday, March 26, 2011

Teamwork...a novelty....

Who would have thought we would get to Saturday....alive????

Well, husband and I managed to do just that!

How, you ask?


After being married for nearly 43 years, you would think this would be an automatic happening now, wouldn't you?

It takes work, this thing called teamwork.  Work that sometimes I don't have the energy to do.

But in order to get these pictures up and on the walls, it was something we decided to attempt, just like we did 25 years ago, putting up wallpaper!  It took that long, I guess, to forget that past episode....

After organizing, getting prints and enlargements developed, picture frames purchased, placing pictures in appropriate frames and cleaning everything up, these 15 pictures were ready to be hung.  I wasn't particularly up for the challenge....the knee was yelling at me to not work it so hard, so rests in between were frequent.

We got started last evening.  We managed to get through the first 8 without a hitch.

When we continued with the process today, I think our patience was thread-bare.  We persevered.

Husband thought of a great way for the whole picture hanging procedure...I held the picture, he got a flashlight and beamed it directly on the back of the picture where the little loop-ee on the back of the picture was awaiting it's just as little loop-er picture hanger on the wall, if you get what I'm saying here. He directed and I acquiesced....and it worked!

No fuss, no muss.  I think he must have realized that something productive must happen....and order to complete the business at hand.  He most likely saw some of the rising steam seeping from my ears.  It worked so well, I actually got him to work with me in hanging 8 other pictures!!!!

Anyway, here are a few of the 'groupings' we managed to get on our walls.  They are no longer bare!

Entries to our "family wall".

a couple of my favorites in 8X10

Roses grace our living room west wall....I love roses....

Some Saskatchewan winter scenes on the east wall.

Some 'seasonal' scenes in the hallway.

One good thing about putting up your own photographs, when you get tired of them you just add different ones to give a whole new feel for the room.

They certainly aren't perfect, by any stretch, but we like them.  Guess that's what counts!

I wonder what our next lesson in teamwork will produce????:)


Matthew said...

Wow, that looks great! Thanks for sharing them:)

Sharon Kent said...

My next project is getting some recent pictures of YOU on the wall! That's next week...if dad can take it:)

I'm glad you like them, dear.