Monday, April 25, 2011

Back one step...

I was going along with great gusto for the past few weeks.  Knee was cooperating well and I was doing what I was told.

Yesterday, while helping with the singing during the Easter service, I stood there with no crutch, no cane...just me!  In front of the microphone.  The children all came up to help with the singing at one point and while I stepped back to allow them in, **C L U N K**.  My knee did a very bad clunking thing.  Into the mic I softly said something like "Aaiieeee" and quickly placed my hand over my mouth.  Some folks probably thought I most likely hit a wrong note (again) and I tried to cover it up!  Others may have just wondered...????  But it only took maybe 3-4 seconds.  That's it!  I looked longingly at my cane propped up on the pew ahead of me but I really didn't want to make more of a scene than I had already.

Smile.  Sing.  Participate.  Worship. Keep going.

I could screech later.

But there was a lunch to go to at Waskesiu.

I managed the rest of the day but night time brought out some serious pain.

Today, following physio, I was back at the icing....and NOT the sweet stuff either!  Back with the tensor bandage and the leg elevation....and no exercising for three days!

This whole knee injury scenario is getting old......and really fast.

Travis, my physio man, tried to encourage me by saying it wasn't really a setback, just a little bit of something to overcome.

Yes, I shall overcome.....some day! :(

Speaking of overcoming....I snapped a pic yesterday of two crows maintaining their territory by overcoming the bullying tactics of a raven.  The entire scene went on for several long minutes, each crow attacking the raven from either side as well as above and below.  The raven was persistent and wouldn't be scared off by two crow upstarts.  When a crow came from above he turned himself upside down in mid-flight to fend off his oppressor.  Several minutes of that though, had him heading south!  Quite entertaining...and the crows fortitude gave me courage to keep going in the midst of trials!!!

How are you handling your trials today....I'd say try some icing!!  Sweeeeeeeet!!!

1 comment:

matt said...

Glad you're choosing to focus on the 'overcoming' part of the struggle:)