Thursday, October 6, 2011

Great flapping goose wings, Batman!!!

There are perks to traveling out-of-town on a fall day, even if it is to get some tests done!

As Saskatchewan is a major fly-way for the goose population, it was a great sight to once more see migration in action.  Geese everywhere!  Snow geese, with their color-phase relatives amongst them, the Blue geese.

Husband is quite used to me yelling "STOP THE TRUCK", while traveling down the road at 110 km/hr.  Last I checked though, we may need a brake job some time in the near future.

The fields were like a snow storm had hit.  We managed to find a little spot to drive off the highway and I "crept" up on the flock.  Well, crouching as low as I could with a bum knee anyway.  I clicked as I progressed.  Up and over the rise I came, Mr. Olympus in hand, surprising the whole gang.  They were squawking and honking and making all manner of "frightened to death" sounds.  When they saw me coming at them, up they flew, with a sleigh full of toys and St. Nicholas too.....oh, I think I should wait a little longer for that story...but it rhymed!!!

Here they are as I stood in wonder at the sight of them....

We continued on down the highway and got to the point where they had all landed a few miles away.  They sat on the road, covered it actually, so I got out of the truck and walked towards them.

Aren't they just grand!
And the noise....much worse than the Batmobile!!!

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