Monday, February 13, 2012


I came home after work to a beautifully set table for 4.  Shannon and Brittney were joining us and we would celebrate Valentine's Day.

Not only was the table set but three bouquets of red roses  sat beautifully next to each of our a box of chocolates and a Valentine Card for each lady present......:)

Now I know my husband loves me and he never has to prove that he does but there are times like today that show me once again that our relationship is good and special..he took time and went out of his way to do this beautiful thing for me...and our girls!!!

And I also know that love can be shown in so many other ways...not only in buying gifts.

Many times, it is shown in little ways....always picking me up from work on time....preparing a scrumptious lunch each day....taking me out for coffee on a Saturday morning where we sit and chat together and read the morning paper, stopping now and then to comment about an article we are reading....helping me over an icy road....a hug and kiss each day before work begins.  Oh sure, we have squabbles and we get on each others nerves sometimes...sometimes we even raise our voices or communicate in various other immature ways;)  But when all is said and done, he's my man...and I'm his woman!  Yay!

Sure, we both have our own TV shows and things we like to watch in the evenings...which is good, I think....'cause I couldn't stand to watch what he watches most of the time but we also take time out to connect and say 'Hi' or 'whatcha' doin'?' or 'did you hear about....(this or that)'  And at the end of an evening we make our way to bed....usually together, to end our day the way it began....sleepily:)  What do you expect after almost 44 years of married bliss????

I think about others I know who are just beginning their relationships.  It certainly isn't always primarily about LOVE (and certainly not always about SEX...ask any girl!!!)  But it always involves love indirectly, one way or another.  It involves connecting, talking, making time for one another, sending little notes, giving surprises, having tons of patience as you go from one place in your relationship to the next, listening intently, being open enough to speak and hear truth....and getting away together from the routines of life....and so much more.

Tonight, I wish each of you enough to share with others...and enough to offer yourself.

Whether you've experience love for only a week or for fifty years, whether you've lost love or never experienced it......Happy Valentine's Day....tomorrow.

Oh, and fellows....

Girls love roses.......just sayin'......

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