Tuesday, March 20, 2012

There she stood....

She stood at the till, learning how to send a package to a country across the ocean.

She stood tall and confident.

I could see all that the instructor was telling her was going into her brain and would be stored there for future reference.

It's great having a granddaughter working as a Federal employee, being she's bilingual and all.

A great job opportunity for her at this point in her life.

I get concerned though whether she can handle any more stuff...being in her last year in high school.  It's a lot of responsibility as she deals with life stuff, getting superior grades, planning for graduation, and an end of the year dance recital...... AND working.

She has matured greatly....still much to learn and experience in life, but has come very far.  I think of her daily as I go about my work and pray for her...for wisdom in using time wisely and knowledge so she would do well in life.

I know she will.

I trust all of you are doing well in life, too, my friends....and if you find you are not....just breathe...one breath at a time.  Soon again, you won't notice you are breathing anymore...it will all be natural again and good.


Oh, and I was thinking about fishing too, today.....

I'm ready...!!!

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