Sunday, September 23, 2012

Busy doin' nothin'....????

Some days I feel as though I'm really not accomplishing much.  There is the usual stuff...meetings, prep work for the worship team, going for coffee, Kid's Klub there are times when it appears nothing much productive is happening.

I have to learn to assess.  To be patient.  To look at the results of all that "stuff"...perhaps on a monthly basis.  When you look back on it weekly, there doesn't appear to be much progress....but in a month, well, you get to see some positive outcomes.  I like that.  It seems to encourage me to go keep on with the mundane tasks at hand.

And then there is the picture editing.  It's enabled my tendinitis to thrive once more...all that "mouse work" opposed to house work!

I'll be working on pictures 'til Hell or the Saskatchewan River freezes over...whichever comes first.

Have a click on the pic....

Love birds.

Getting my ducks in a row.

My sweetheart...

The varying shades of sunsets...from this...

to this...

Our beach!

First glimpses of fall.

Ma and Pa Greenhead.

Nothing like a loon for beauty.

Look ma...I can stand on water...coooool....


Namekus Lake early September.

THE END:)  of a duck...

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