Friday, March 28, 2008

Just waitin'......

Not sure what for. I do know I'm waitin' for my body to start acting normal, as in no wheezing or coughing up a vat of phlegm.

Funny when your body isn't cooperating, it sends messages for your brain to nearly shut yourself down. Can't do much of anything. Tired.

I'm waitin' to get better.

Perhaps I'll take on the world when I'm feeling up to it, but then, I never was one to take on the whole world. I don't mind thinking up things for others to do to take on the world but I'm no heavy weight (so to speak, of course) myself.

Perhaps I'll just stay tuned in my little corner and wait.

God must want me to do something more with my life. Sometimes I feel like he has me by the hand but I have blindfolds on and I'm not sure if I want to take them off. Sometimes it's more scary knowing where you're heading than not knowing.

I think I'll just keep waitin'..........and peek out from the blindfold once in a while, you know, like watching a horror movie with a pillow over your face.....peeking......peeking.....until the scary part is over with.

Not sure why I feel like that. God knows.

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