Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Hard work.

Sometimes you work your fool head off. You strain and push and maneuver yourself into thinking you're getting ahead and you find yourself up against a concrete wall.

But how many of us would think of trying to crack their way through all that concrete? Not many of us....well, perhaps son would with his fancy, flying feet of force....hiiieeeeeeeeeeeyaaa!!!! But ordinary folk would most likely give up and look for another way through.

But what if there is no other way through. Then what? Do we sit there and wait for the next available earthquake? Not likely. Do we get out our little finger nail file and start picking away? Maybe. Or do we try and think our way through....mind over matter kind of thing. I don't know about you, but that could be kind of freaky......maybe worth trying, but still freaky.

People try their darnedest don't they? They try hard to make headway in life.

But look at those trees finding their way through the Precambrian shield. They have no other choice. What about that rose up there on the top of my blog page, blooming on one side of a brick wall. Talk about freaky. Or is it?

Jesus gives us simple, beautiful examples every day of our existence of how he manages to get the impossible done. Nature is the best example of all because those kinds of life forms don't have choices to make like we do. They simply use what they have and where they are to accomplish their task.

We, on the other hand, have many choices of how to work through things.....even though our concrete walls are a lot of times relationships. We can communicate, we can seek help from others, we can attempt to explain ourselves to others and they in turn, to us. But in the end, it is that "unseen force" that allows the breakthrough to happen.

The Spirit of the Living God can not only get roses through concrete walls but He can also get us through the same kinds of walls..........those walls of our own making.

God, help us to not always be banging our heads against brick walls, but to seek You to find a way through. Besides, my head bleeds a lot.

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