Saturday, January 10, 2009


As we at Gateway, end our "Week of Prayer", I have had ample time to consider what exactly constitutes the health of a church? I think it's many things.
Loving - putting the other person before myself.
Having someone care about me even when I'm unlovable, do stupid things, speak rudely and when I'm a total jackass.
Have people take enough interest in me to set me back on a good path, if I've wandered off, even if it means swallowing a bucket of pride in the process. I need a reality check at times!! We all do. But if I find myself in the middle of a mess, I need to be accountable for my mess to those I have hurt and those I love and repent of it.
Also, prayer comes in handy... (tongue in cheek). Actually prayer is the main ingredient here.
When I talk to God about the people I love and care for and the things that concern me, that is what shows that I have a relationship with Him. If I didn't believe that, it would be like talking to a gum wrapper and lives wouldn't change or grow. There is something in relationship with God, that makes true relationship with others possible. He started it. He created us. He wanted to know us and for us to know him, and in that relationship, trust is built and we begin to know and be known.
So, when a church comes together, with whatever gifts they have been given by God, and these gifts are used to help and encourage and care for and love each other in honest and true relationship, that is where we can begin to be fruitful and healthy. I say begin, because it doesn't stop there. A whole world outside the church walls waits for us to care for them and provide for their needs and offer them hope.
We've got a good grasp of health within the church.
Now we must expand our horizons. I wonder what our next steps will be to bring health to a very needy world.
Just keep us in good health God.....physical AND spiritual.

1 comment:

Marc Vandersluys said...

Hey, my sermon touches on this stuff. I may have to quote you!

Or maybe I can just read your post!
