Friday, February 13, 2009

'da luuuuuuv week....Part V

Being Valentine's Eve and all, it's kind of exciting to think on love, and BE love to someone, and for them to reciprocate in turn, out of love.

I Corinthians 13 is a great source of inspiration for the right kind of love.

And on we go with these verses:

"Puts up with anything, trusts God always, always looks for the best, never looks back, but keeps going to the end."

Sure as shootin' these words sound like an admonition to people who are married!!!! Doesn't it?

There are things in marriage (ask anyone who's married) where we "put up with" stuff....the stuff that marriage is made of.....regular, ordinary, day-to-day things of life....crying babies, unruly toddlers, insolent teens, rude spouses...but when we find we're in those things of life, we put up with those things because there is an element of real, solid love that runs through the whole scenario. Love that looks for the best in each situation and in each person and doesn't dwell on past mistakes, because we know about our own imperfections. Like the"Energizer Bunny" just keeps on going....right to the end....whenever that may be.

But you notice in the middle of those verses it says "trusts God always"? I guess that's the crux of the matter. In all of these things that love portrays, we are called to trust.

Trust. To depend on God that he actually knows best and knows how we should live our lives.

Trust. That means having a relationship too...with God. When our relationship with God is good and we realize that we can trust him, it reflects how we live our own lives. It reflects his love. It reflects all the things that a good relationship can bring to one another.

Anyway, I'll give you the last few verses tomorrow.

It's good to be reminded about love, I think, especially through God's Word.

I'm going now to make husband a special Valentine that will show how much I love him. Hope he likes it.


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