Thursday, February 12, 2009

'da luuuuuuv week....Part IV

So, on we go about love....real love, that is, love that is 'different' from the mush and gush stuff.

I Corinthians 13 from The Message:
"Doesn't keep score of the sins of others, doesn't revel when others grovel, takes pleasure in the flowering of truth".

Love doesn't make a list and check it twice.....and remember everything bad you've ever done. NO!!! It forgives and even forgets...because love has taken the place of the sin. It's a great substitution. When you're busy always remembering everyone else's sins, you're missing out on life, life that could be lived out positively and with encouragement instead of negativity and finger-pointing at others.

And when you find someone who has fallen down into the mud and mire of life, love doesn't keep sticking it's foot out to trip the fallen one back into the grime, oh no. Love walks right into the mud and holds out a hand to lead them out, back to a nice hot bath, some warm milk and cookies.

It's not happy to see injustices taking place either, but love cheers truth on, to win. Love, God's love, wants truth to win.

And it doesn't gossip about the misfortunes of others either, but it instead wants the best for the other.

There have been people, during my lifetime, who have helped me out of the muddy pit of life. I saw Jesus's love in those moments, in those people. They got muddied too, but you know what....they didn't even ask me to pay the cleaning bill. Now, THAT'S love.

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