Friday, October 2, 2009

Keep it shining...

Here is my daily view from where I sit at the Forest Centre and my "work" workstation.... compelte with flat screen monitor! My co-worker and I believe we are the most fortunate people in the entire city to be able to look out onto what many people consider the most beautiful of all buildings in the city of Prince Albert. There is no other window in the whole building that looks out on the front grounds as well as the architecturally spectacular atrium. Twila and I have it all. We are the lucky ones. Just the two of us.
When we first moved into the building, we were always shining and cleaning and keeping it looking spectacular. But like most things our eyes became accustomed to this beauty. We began to take it for granted. It was just always there....with the sun beaming in and casting shadows from one season to another. We saw it but we didn't see it...if you know what I mean.
I think that's true with people and relationships too. Anything actually. When something is new we stare at it and expound on its qualities and lovliness. We give it compliments and talk about it and keep it always in the forefront of our minds. We enjoy being around it and giving it great care. We get out the soft cloth and shine and shine and shine until it glows.
After a while we get a bit busy and we kind of ignore it for a few days...then those few days turn into weeks and months, perhaps even years. One day we look at it and wonder why it looks so dull, unpolished, unkept.....old....and we realize that we were neglectful. We didn't do our part to keep it brilliant and new. The dust settled on it. Things had piled up on it and it began to look cluttered and worn.
What does it take to refurbish a relationship, you ask?
Ya. It takes work. You have to get rid of the stuff that keeps sneeking up on it to make it look unhealthy. The cob webs have to be vacuumed. You just have to take out your best polishing cloth and start to give it the ole' shine-o-la....on each other. Once those things that hinder the relationship are swept away, we can once again see the initial relationship with all its beauty and love. There may be a few scratches now but that's OK. Gives it character!
So, remember to keep that polishing cloth handy. Relationships need constant care and a bit of a shine-up too!!! It's never too late to refurbish....

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