Monday, March 29, 2010

A fine line...

Where does one draw the line between letting someone get away with a blatant lawless act and standing your ground and letting them know you saw what they did and you aren't happy with it!!!!

Well, to the amazement and horror of my husband and several others, I took a stand!

A week or so ago, four young fellows drove up to a local fast food joint and proceeded to dump all the garbage from their car onto the driveway....when there was a garbage receptacle 10 feet away.

I saw them do it.  I sat there inside the place and watched them do it.

We were ready to leave and while they stood in line to get more food (so they could dump even more garbage on the ground!!) I tapped the one young man on the back (the culprit) and proceeded to let him know he was seen, that I didn't appreciate him performing such an act, that I didn't particularly like him dumping garbage in MY city and that he needs to think twice about doing such an indiscriminate act ever least NOT in MY city!!!!!

The whole place stood behind me...especially the lady doing the table cleaning.  She was right there beside me standing there with her mouth open and watching me explain my disappointment to the young reprobate.

Are people not taught about littering laws???!!!  I don't care if they were under 18.   Things like this need to be acted SOMEONE!!  I really should have taken it a step further and called the police, just so they know it IS against the law in this city.    Next time!!  Had it been a cup or a bag or something, I probably wouldn't have made a big deal of it but this was serious garbage.

Does this just let me know I'm becoming a grouchy old lady or does it say I'm not afraid what people think anymore and I can take a stand on something I should have taken a stand on years ago?

Maybe both....


Linea said...

The world is a better place for people who take stands against wrong - be it ever so little an act.

Good going.

Phil L said...

Sometimes we go too far in trying to avoid giving offence. It sounds like you were firm in a polite way. Good for you.

Kim said...

YA go Sharon! You should for sure take a stand :) I am very proud of you.

Sharon Kent said...


Tomorrow....who knows...:-)

Maybe I need to take up karate.