Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Doesn't seem like 42 years....

We went from this.....

to this..... in that 42 year span.....
Well, I still have black glasses and we're still smiling!!  What more do you expect after that long???!!! :-)

On July 6th, 1968, at around 2:30 we walked out of the cathedral as husband and wife...a scorcher of a day at 92 degrees F.  Ken Thams photographed us a little while later and at 6 p.m. away we went to the Legion for a roast beef sit-down supper with over a hundred guests.

Ted France was Ken's best man and my brother Garry was his groomsman.  Adeline Zahara was my maid of honor and my sister-in-law Helen, my bridesmaid.  My A-line sheer-over-taffeta dress was accented with white embroidered daisies around the neckline, cuffs and hem and my bouquet was Shasta daisies with a single white rose in the centre with flowing yellow and white ribbons.  The girls dresses were yellow '60's pastel flowers...totally cool.  The fellows wore dark suits!!  I still have my dress...which no one can get into in our family (not that the guys actually tried...:-) and Ken still has his dress shoes!  Father Gilles Doucette married us at Sacred Heart.  We didn't have the "whole meal deal" as I wasn't a "person of The Faith".  But that was OK.  It did get my Irish protestant grandmother inside a catholic church....glory be to God!!!!

It's been a busy day with coffee out this morning, a visit to the doctor, a visit to the optometrist, catching up at work a bit, out for our afternoon coffee date with Brittney and home for husband to have that all-important nap while I prepare some food for this evening's potluck BBQ.  I captured this flower on our coffee date with the lovely Brittney.

Tonight for supper we'll be celebrating our anniversary with burgers and salads at our friends place. Another of our friends are celebrating their anniversary today too....Happy Anniversary Charlie and Sandy!  May God give you both many more years of health and happiness together!!!  We love you!

I don't think "the night" will be near as exciting as it was 42 years ago either....with husband having his heart surgery just two weeks ago.  The doctors have said when he can climb two flights of stairs he'll be ready for some "action".....he's been practicing.....:-)))


Dixie said...

:) Aw, that last part made me laugh.

Happy anniversary! Hope you guys have a great night tonight.

Phil L said...

Happy anniversary!

deb said...

Happy Anniversary! Thank you for sharing your story with us. Go Ken on those stairs. I am so impressed at his recovery. Must be due to his personal nurse! All the best to you both,
hugs, deb

Corinne said...

Happy Anniversary!