Sunday, August 1, 2010

A new view....

After church we took some good friends out for lunch.  They had some packing boxes for us as well, so we stopped by their place and loaded up.  Now, we're set to get some serious packing done.

Just thought you'd like to see where we'll be in a couple of weeks.  This evening we went over to measure the rooms to see what can be kept and what must be given up.  I think we're in pretty good shape to be able to move most of our things over. Painting and flooring needs to happen first...hopefully.

Anyway, here's what it looks like from the back of the building.

The view looking west.

and to the east.

back of the building

The bottom picture is our little space facing south.  I'm excited to get there....but not before some good old fashioned elbow grease and some blood, sweat and tears being done.....heavy on the sweat!

Keep cool out there and sleep well......and may he bless you with peace as you rest this night.


Mr. C.C. said...

Will it be hard leaving your house with so many memories? I know a house is never truly a home if there are certain things missing, but still. I bet it will be nice not having to upkeep a house too. I bet Shannon and Matt will miss the house. But there comes a time in people's lives when you have to move on whether you want to or not.

Sharon Kent said...

Actually Chris, we did move from the house Matt and Shannon grew up in a little over 3 years ago now. The house we are now living in is a rented one, so it's not so difficult leaving...but you make any place your home I guess, rented or not.

Mr. C.C. said...

See, I didn't know that. Look what I miss when I'm away living in Saskatoon.

Sharon said...
