Monday, March 14, 2011

What was that....

Just sitting here on my computer in the spare room looking through some pictures and trying to decide which ones are worth a reproduction for our walls when a huge shadow falls across the window beside me...followed by a "thuuunnnnnnnnkkkkkkkk" sound.

I think it must have been a snow drift falling from the roof.  It made quite the noise.  Or perhaps it was the neighbors as our roof is flat, although drifts tend to hang over the sides of a flat roof.
Having said that, I do believe it must be a sign of things to come.

Spring is one week hence.

Not that it makes any difference, as I've seen snow drifts around P.A. the beginning of June!

But it was a very nice sound.  The birds are also sounding springy.  Their chirps are sweeter and louder.

I love spring!

Patience grasshopper....there is presently snow falling outside......

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