Wednesday, August 17, 2011


We live in a city with an abundance of many types of trees.  I think that makes us very fortunate people.  The summer time is so much more beautiful with the varying species and their hues of green.

But when winter comes along and all the deciduous trees have shed their leaves, leaving all the many coniferous trees to take over to add color to a drab winter, it is good to have pictures to remind us of what we do have in the summer.

Not only that, they give off the all-important oxygen, leaving us healthy and breathing right.

There are no trees around our apartment complex but the neighbor's yard makes up for it.  He has many elm, ash, poplar and birch and just enough pine, spruce and fir to keep us happy during the winter months.  So, birds abound!  I like that!

So plant trees.  A great legacy to the next generations. And if you don't like raking, hire a summer student to do it for you!

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