Saturday, March 10, 2012


I don't feel much like writing.

Too many things going on inside this head of mine and I just don't feel up to putting them out here.

Is that laziness? tiredness? depression? apathy?  hormones?  dementia?

Who knows....

Whatever the reason, I just don't have energy....tonight, at least.

I know there are things in life that I personally, have no control over.  I cannot make right choices for folks who make wrong ones...heaven knows, I've made enough wrong ones myself.  I cannot take away the experience of pain from those I love.  Seems like we just must endure difficulties and make the best of them.  If we're fortunate, we can even turn bad circumstances into learning experiences...but that only comes later!

Dang....I wrote more than I had anticipated. 

Now, to continue on with my reading of "The Wisdom Jesus" by Cynthia interesting perspective....and some of it even makes sense:)


Matthew said...

Well, a little bit of writing is infinitely more than nothing.

There are many times I don't feel like writing and just compel myself to do it. More often than not worthwhile things emerge, though it doesn't necessarily get any easier the next time!

Maybe you could share some of the particular questions and thoughts you're processing these days?

Sharon Kent said...

I agree. A little is better than none:)

Perhaps I will share some of my thoughts and questions...good idea.

I enjoyed your blog post today, by the way. Very engaging.