Friday, December 28, 2012

Lots went on...

First there was my birthday way back in which time I had the most delicious, most beautifully decorated...and just plain most beautiful cake that I have ever had in my entire life, made by Shannon!  I guess she figured turning into a senior citizen warranted something extra-special!

Then there was Matt's birthday...but I already showed pictures of that in my last post:)

After that was Christmas Eve where we talked and had a lot of fun around the Christmas tree!  We mentioned that we never know if we will all be together next year or not, so we tried to make the most of it!

Then the unwrapping of gifts on late Christmas morning.  First time we didn't need the lights on!

The Christmas meal followed a few hours later.

The 007 Bond twins showed up, complete with after-dinner paper crown!

Then some good old fashioned portraits.

 I even had my picture taken with Matt, after the meal, when my lips and tongue were swollen from something I ate or drank!!!!  Pretty funny:)

And finally, yesterday, we celebrated Ken's birthday with Matt's leftover birthday cake!  Still fresh from the 23rd!

There was an original hand-crafted birthday card for Ken, too:)

So, that's my busy December.  Time to relax now.  On the 26th Matt left for Arizona on retreat for ten days then back to Massachusetts to continue his work with EnlightenNext. The apartment is quiet other than the coming and going of Brittney and Shannon at times.  It is good that they do that...keeps everything lively!!!  But in contrast, Matt has left his quiet, calm presence here with us and we are glad about that too.

A New Year approaches.  I happily anticipate it!

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