Sunday, December 16, 2007

Yep. He uses our inadequacies alright!

Just for the record, I think Jesus loved the songs we sang in his honor this morning.

And not meaning to take over Pastor Randall's prophetic messaging (with Saskatchewan winning the Grey Cup, as he predicted) but between yesterday's blog and today, I had a bit of that thing happening right here.

When you begin singing a song, and you are supposed to be leading the congregation in said song, and you start waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay before you're supposed to, so that you end up singing what seemed like an ever-so-long time as a solo, which wasn't really that long, but seemed like it when you realize no one else is singing............ya, it's a great lesson in humility, just as I supposed it would be. Anyway, I did my best to help and that was all that was required of me. Onward and upward, I say.

Now, as Christmas approaches we, as a church, shall move on to other things like soup kitchens, ringing those bells for Salvation Army, giving to those in need............ and at home - baking, wrapping, cleaning and........waiting.

Waiting for our children to come home.
Waiting to see how they have changed.
Waiting for the candle light Christmas Eve service.
Waiting to host family and friends for Christmas dinner in our little, tiny house.
AND waiting to see how much room I will make for Christ this Christmas season.

It's my choice. God help me to choose wisely.


Anonymous said...

It will be good to be home. I'm thankful I am able to do so. Plus, I want to eat some more baking.

Sharon Kent said...

I'm patiently waiting....between headaches that is...........
