Wednesday, May 30, 2007

The "Studs and Peelers" will strut.

I've been involved with "Studs and Peelers" for......I think this will be my fifth year now. What a great bunch. Four guys and seven gals. We work very hard at our trade and I think we've become quite team oriented. It is of great satisfaction to each of us, to work very hard, really enjoy that work, and try to pass that enthusiasm on to the younger generation. Will they catch a vision of what they could be as a Stud or a Peeler? Not sure. The opportunity is there for them. Just not sure if they'll be able to live up to our name.

Tomorrow, we'll get to strut our stuff. It'll be out on the River Bank here in P.A. sometime in the afternoon. Our team Captain, Val, quilted an ever-so-lovely "Stud and Peeler" banner to hold strategically in front of us as one of our City Fathers, Mr. A., who is also a professional photographer, will be ready for some exquisite camera action. None of us are shy. We're all ready to do business. I won't tell you exactly where we will be for the photo ops though, as we don't want the national and local press, etc. taking over.

I'll try and post some pictures on here at some point. You won't be sorry!

I'll be in church on Sunday too, you can be sure of it. Tired! But I'll be there. The life of a Peeler can be pretty exhausting!

Remember too:
Luke 6:37 “Do not judge others, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn others, or it will all come back against you. Forgive others, and you will be forgiven.

Oh, and if you want to pledge to the Canadian Cancer Society, any member of our "Studs and Peelers" team from Sask Environment Forest Service, will be most happy to receive your donation. The overnight walk at Harry Jerome Track will be happening all night this Friday, to raise money for cancer research. One year ago this weekend, our dear friend and co-worker, Sharon Clark, passed away with liver we walked the, we continue try our best to rid the world of this disease, by raising huge amounts of cash.

I've asked God to keep away the rain.


Anonymous said...

I am rooting for ya.....go studs and peelers

your freindly neighborhood scaler

Linea said...

Ah yes. Sharon, who fought the disease so valiantly. Like many others. I remember her. And I will think of you as you walk Friday. Sara will be up there too somewhere, walking. I must accompany hubby up to Waskesiu as a dutiful wife must do.

See you Sunday.