Wednesday, October 10, 2007

May I take a moment, please.

If you are a person who absolutely detests receiving a "Christmas Letter" from so-and-so, proclaiming in great detail the comings and goings, the accomplishments and achievements of their entire family, and it leaves you feeling totally inferior.............then stop reading now.

We have two "mature" students (children) taking university classes. Now I'm usually not one to brag too much about them, but they deserve a hearty congratulations.

Both received A's on their first mid-terms. Now some of you may be saying, "Well, big deal!" But for our kids, they haven't been students for some time.

With one of them, it was kind of taking up from where things left off....... more superior grades. Still working as well, but giving academia another shot. We're so very proud!

With the other, it was a huge accomplishment in that being away from school for nearly 15 years, you find you need to arouse those "brain muscles" once more, as well as gaining enough self-confidence to even tackle the school scene again. I was extremely proud when the phone call came announcing the marvelous grade!

It's scary stuff. University costs a huge pile of money. They want to succeed, but most of all, they desire to learn.

It's a gift to be able to watch your kids, whether they're older or not, find their gifts and their potential. I'm sure you would all agree!

May God continue to walk beside both of them.

.......That's all I have to say about that. (Forrest Gump)


Anonymous said...

I was 23 years old when I decided to tackle the U, so I've been there. Kudos to them both.

Linea said...

That is such good news. They deserve a hearty congratulations!