Thursday, October 4, 2007


I had an email today (well, it was to several folks....I happened to be on the email list) from a friend and co-worker and his wife who are visiting Ireland.........home of my maternal grandmother.

She was from Northern Ireland, to be exact. County Down.
"Riddle" was her name - Maude Riddle.

Sounds like our friends are having one wonderful time there and I must confess, I get envious.

I remember my Grandma and her brothers, sitting around our living room, speaking in their Irish brogue, laughing, telling stories and sipping??? whiskey. I was quite young but I remember the laughter. It was loud and long and filled with intensity. They say the Irish are like that - intense people, people who love life and enjoy living it to the full. Great story tellers they are too.

So, when I receive emails from the place of my ancestors, I get to feeling a sort of longing, a desire to feel that land, to hear it and smell the sea and know it is a part of me.

Most likely I will never set foot on that island but it is good to imagine it and think about what it would be like to be there. The greenness of the hills.........ahhhhhhhhhhh, ta' be sure........

Imaginations are wonderful gifts.

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