Monday, October 29, 2007


Whooooaaaa..........don't touch my bursa, please. If you do, I just might have to whack you over the head with a 2x4.

It's giving me all kinds of trouble. But "doc" says I'll be right as rain (anybody know what that term really means???? can rain be right....or wrong for that matter....or perhaps it should be right as reign.....or wright as rain.........or rite as reign.....or wright as reign.........oh, I do digress, the poor souls learning the English language!!!), so, ya, one shot and your good for the whole day or month even.

I've been reading up on it a bit. They can inject the bursa (in this case, my left hip) with cortisone (which also is a natural joint lubricant, kind of, that our body makes itself to keep those old joints movin' along without those creeks and cracks and snaps). The cortisone injection is a synthetic steroid that does the same thing as the regular "body-made" cortisone which normally would be given off into the blood stream, but the fake stuff gets into the sore point with a ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuu- ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh-ieeeeeeeeeeeeee needle.

So. I'm a big sissy. I can't say I like pointy things attacking my very own bursa. Would you?

On Wednesday, I'll go and bite the bullet. Doc may not have any at the clinic. I'll just take one of husbands. Ya, one of those big honkin' ones that fly through a huge animal at 800 yards!!! Good thing I've got pretty good teeth, otherwise, I may be lookin' to find my good friend, Dr. Linea.

God, help me not be be afraid and help me not to bite the bullet too hard.

I really am such a sissy.

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