Friday, October 19, 2007

So much food.

The birds have so much food right now. They twitter, flap, run, hop and bob all around the yard. They're eating it seems, all day long.

When they say "birds of a feather, flock together"'s literally true. Not only do they flock together, the various species have a hierarchy within the bird kingdom and exercise that constantly. When the robins are around munching, the chickadees stay in the background. When the chickadees are gobbling up the food, the sparrows are waiting elsewhere. They take their turn and know their place in the "pecking order". It's all so great to watch.

We put two new bird feeders out on the patio, so we'll be able to watch them from the kitchen window during the cold winter months......those that are able to stay and brave the temperatures when they fall to -30.

But now, in these fall days, they're all beefing up in order for them to either fly great distances, or for those who remain, to keep them from freezing up. They aren't eating from the feeders yet so there must be plenty of tree seeds and berries and even bugs, to keep their interest.

When the snow piles high, I trust we will remember to be their ever-gracious hosts and keep those feeders full.

Maybe husband and I have been watching the birds too much. We seem to be catching on to their "bulking up" methods.

Lord have mercy.

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