Monday, October 8, 2007


It was a very unusual Thanksgiving in our home.

I know that families gather together at special times such as this. For a mother, it is somehow especially important to be with her children and grandchildren, sons and daughters-in-law,and of course, her husband. A mother enjoys just being with her family.

Well, today, this Thanksgiving Day, I was without my husband (who went hunting one more time), my son (who lives in Winnipeg) , my daughter (who is studying for mid-terms in Regina), my son-in-law (who leaves again tomorrow for NWT) and my granddaughter(whom I miss so very much). I was alone.............for the most part.

Not wanting to be outdone by loneliness, I picked up my Aunt and we went for breakfast to a nearby restaurant. The service was exceptionally slow as the server "forgot" about us. We finally managed to be served and we ate our breakfast an hour after we had arrived.....(and we left our server a $5.00 tip to let her know she was forgiven!)

Waiting all that time for our food was OK though. Together, we chatted about many things and got caught up on extended family members who had written to her and some who had emailed me. I enjoy her company. We laugh at each others humor and notice things about one another that reminds us that yes, we are both "Bensons"......... and all "Bensons" love to laugh; we enjoy a cup of tea after dinner; we live for sweets - we can eat huge gobs of jam on every slice of toast we consume; most of us are not very talkative in large groups; we have hair that does not co-operate with a brush; our eyes are very large and very blue; we are sensitive and shy, and we care quite a bit about others, I think.

So, in that encounter with my Aunt this morning, even though I wasn't with my immediate family, I was with HER and I thank God for her and all she means to me.

I'm also thankful for people who invite me into their home unexpectedly for tea and a chat. I enjoyed that very much today too. There are some folks I just don't get to see much and I'm thankful I was given that opportunity today to see Lauralea, to enjoy her humor and friendship.

It was a day to be a God who loves me, who provides for my every need and who sees to it that I really am not alone.

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