Sunday, December 9, 2007

Today - Holiday Apple Muffins, Tomorrow......who knows????

We have a tradition in our home that we eat "Holiday Apple Muffins" with sweet white sauce, for dessert after our Christmas dinner..........a recipe from my dear Mom who began the tradition many years ago.

Tradition is good. There is a time though, that tradition changes. New traditions begin and the old ones are left behind, not because they weren't good ones but because life circumstances change, people change, and things just do not stay the same forever.

My dear Aunt came over for lunch today. She sat and looked at the decorated tree in our living room. She commented that all those old decorations will most likely get passed on down to our children as they have meant so much to all of which I replied that no, probably I will be the last one to use these decorations. Our children grow up, marry, have their own families and they have traditions and favorite things of their own. I will keep these decorations, for ourselves. When they come home, they will enjoy them but as for our children, they will have made their very own unique decorations, which have meaning to them as a family.

Yes, things change. Life changes. Our thinking changes too and the way we do certain tasks.

Life has a way of becoming new, with each generation. I pray I will allow that to happen without becoming an old fogey, wanting everything just as it used to be.......because that's just silly.

Anyway, husband says these "Holiday Apple Muffins" are the best he's had yet. Ya, when he was putting them away into a container for the freezer for me, he said "one just stuck to the bottom of the cooling rack and fell apart.......and what do you do with that????? Yes. Eat it of course." He's a pretty good tester for things like that.

But even these delicious muffins, as wonderful a tradition as they are, may one day be traded off for........oh, cheesecake or something just as decadent.

Tradition is good but it's not forever.

1 comment:

Shauna Bennett said...

I was thinking a lot about this today. Thought about blogging about it too, but not tonight. A tradition that I always have with my dad is to go and buy a tree together and tie it on the car and I always get a candy cane. Not this year. I usually hate change, and love tradition. It's predictable, it's expected. But change is good too. New is good. And I love how the season is different every year with different people in our lives. God is good. Thanks for the post.