Friday, January 11, 2008

The Gift.

What does a son get his parents for Christmas?

There are as many answers to that as their are sons in the world, right?

Our son knows his parents. He knows we don't often "go out" much just the two of us. Most often there are other folks with us for one reason or another. It's wonderful to have other folks with us too, but sometimes it's just nice for the two of us to connect, like on a date, you know,
THAT kind of connecting ;-)

In the card he gave us were two gift certificates.

One to Venice House Restaurant.

One to the Cinema.

Tonight was the night.

He had Greek ribs and I had chicken cordon.......whatever.....chicken stuffed with ham and mozza and a baked spud.

We toasted to our son, Matt, in the midst of it all. "Here's to a great son, who has thought nicely of his parents to give them such a delightful gift!"......."clink"......too bad we didn't order wine but we were off to the Cinema afterwards and didn't want to ruin the fun evening by being pulled over and ticketed for a we toasted with a glass of water. I know. I know. It doesn't quite cut it toasting with water. Nevertheless, it was water WITH ICE.

We chatted and laughed a bit....not too much. We made small talk with the waitress who has three children, youngest is 9, and who, when she take her kids to the movies, she has to fill up her 9 year old before they leave because it would cost way too much to feed her goodies at OUR Cinema. Quite the rip-off at that place....but I digress from this beautiful evening affair.

Off to the movies. Not sure if husband has ever been to our Cinema.....he didn't know where the washrooms were, which kind of said he hadn't been in a very long time, if ever. I usually go with daughter and granddaughter so I'm at least familiar with the place.

We get our tickets. I go and get a seat. He stands in line for popcorn and a drink (small!). From where I was sitting in the theatre, I think I heard someone in the foyer saying to someone, "Five bucks for a small popcorn??????, it probably wasn't husband...........

Movie was terrific, even by husband's standards. Morgan Freeman....Jack Nicholson. The Bucket List. Lots of laughs, lots of food for thought, and just plain exceptional acting, as usual, by two exceptional my way a' thinkin'.

So it was a great far..................

Did I mention in son's card, he said he hoped we would enjoy our evening out together but that "I don't really care to know what happens after that;-)" (Son can stop reading this blog now.)

Well, this afternoon we also went for coffee at that place on 15th street. That was fun.

I went shopping too.

Bought a new silky nightgown.................hey, if the pastor's wife can talk about her "tiny little" garment she received from her husband, I can talk about a lovely silky white nightgown.......

Amazing what a gift certificate can do.

'night y'all........................;-)


Lauralea said...

ARR, matey, Did you have a good time then, too?!

: )

Anonymous said...

I found this blog posting very disturbing!!!

Sharon Kent said...

AHAAARRRRRR.....shiver me timbers.....we did ta' be sure...not that we'd make that public or anything;-)

I should have asked Shannon to stop reading the post too. Oh well, children need to be grossed out at least once a week.