Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Things I like to read in a blog.

1. Real life issues (joys, sorrows, pain, depression, things we like and don't like and why, religious persuasions, and why people love cats over dogs....things like that)

2. Daily accounts of how people are thinking on a particular day. I enjoy knowing that other people are just as normal/abnormal as I am, that they CAN have a bad day and not be afraid to talk about in the open.

3. Hearing about my friends children - what they're up to, how they're feeling, if they're going through difficulties or accomplishing their dreams.

4. There are little things that really bug people. I like to hear about those things and the reasons why they find those little things so irritating.

5. When I read something someone else has taken great pains to put down on uhhhh....paper, it encourages me to think that they cared enough to express themselves.

6. I like to read about how vulnerable people are at times. Some folks tell it like it is without fear of reprisal, I can hear their hearts expressions! Others say things that allows them to be in a position to receive criticism and in that, become very "real". I think that is very brave and gallant and perhaps a tiny bit naive and a whole lot honest. I like that.

Ya, those are some of the things I enjoy reading on a blog.

I like pictures too. You get to see the soul of a person through them.....very much like a painting.

Some day, when I learn how to use this confounded digital camera, I too will post pictures.

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