Friday, April 25, 2008


People say there is no justice.

Sometimes I tend to agree.

There are people out there who desire good. Sometimes they get laid low, beat up, kicked at and generally humiliated............and in public too.

When people are trying to accomplish things like being truthful, honest, questioning the status quo, and watching out for the underdog, you can be sure there is an equal and perhaps more sinister and opposite force working against this goodness.

People who have power. People who have wealth. People who would try to still the ones attempting to uncover their "secrets" and their "lies" and their desire for more power and more wealth and more recognition and more keeping the poor in their place.

Well, I for one, should not sit by and watch elected officials treat people with total contempt. I should not sit by and watch these same people beat one of their own when he's down - the people want him to represent them after all!!!

The total truth will come out about this scandal and my friend will have his say and the people will hear all that needs to be said on his behalf.

I pray for my friends. Their hearts are in the right place. Let God bring His justice.

Proverbs 28 :1,2 says:

"The wicked run away when no one is chasing them,
but the godly are as bold as lions.

When there is moral rot within a nation, its government topples easily.
But wise and knowledgeable leaders bring stability."

God will hear the cries for justice for those who fear him, as he has in the past!!!

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