Wednesday, August 6, 2008


For the organized and efficient person, labels are the way to go. And as much as I love seeing those labels on various things, organizing those things to get to the point of labeling them just goes against my grain!

If you happen to be starting out kindergarten this fall, you will be putting labels on your books, crayons, pencils, runners and hoodies. Or, if you are entering a nursing home, or going to camp, you will be labeling your belongings.

We label items at work also, so things don't get removed from our desk. If someone borrows one of your items, they see right on there: "Sharon Kent", and quickly come running back with said item in hand, apologizing profusely for having MY item sitting on THEIR desk with MY name in striking boldness on the front. Labels are good that way.

Sometimes we label people or groups of people, too. We put a stamp of recognition on them. We call them by the name we have placed on their label. Labeling is OK for inanimate objects. Labeling is not OK for people - in most cases. We tend to get ugly when we start labeling others...with unsavory adjectives. Why do we do that anyway. I think the answer is because we want to feel more important than others and make others out to be much less than ourselves. Just one of humanity's many downfalls.

So, go ahead and label that stapler, shovel, "White Christmas" CD, and glue gun but don't get carried away with the folks that live "here" or "there" or who wear "this" and "that" or speak "A" or "B". We aught not to do it.

And hey, I include myself in that too. There are times when I label folks and I shouldn't. May God be merciful to me, a sinner.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I blogged about this a while back and completely agree with you. Why is it that we ALL do this with everything and everybody, when all we are doing are harming ourselves and others. I think we need to be aware that we are doing this in order to make the decision to stop. I read a very interesting article about this by Jeffrey M. Fish titled 'Mixed Blood' in Anthropology last year, I loved it - it was so enlightening!!!