Saturday, January 17, 2009

Dry and prickly spirits...

This is what my throat feels like.....a wooly cactus. Dry. Prickly. And downright wooly.
Another cough is upon me. Not as bad as some I've had. But still, it sets you back a peg.
Thinking again on Mr. Wooly up there, I think that is kind of like our spirits when we are far away from God. We go for months without water....Living Water. We become parched, dried up and not very productive. Without the Spirit's living water we aren't much use. Sometimes we don't even recognize our need for water. We just go about living and wondering why we feel so..........lacking....or.......unfulfilled.
Christ is the Living Water. He comes to us when our spirits faint and pours it on us like the first rain of spring. What does it take to recognize our need for the Living Water.
Not sure.
Some things happen to us that are difficult and when we are faced to turn and look at ourselves in the mirror we see brokenness, sadness and pain when instead, it could be joy and peace and contentment.
We pride ourselves on being independent from anyone or anything. It's our pride that can take our joy away and in that pride we remain independent........ when what we really need is to be dependent on God, which of course, is when we experience his joy and peace and contentment. It's quite a delimna.
I'm off to bed but before I go, I'm taking some Benelyn to soothe this dry and prickly throat.
May Jesus be the Benelyn in your life this night.... the soother and comforter of dry spirits.

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