Monday, February 2, 2009

The summer of '76...

Don Frisk ~ Professor, Author and Fisherman
Little Miss Snodgrass....Waskesiu 76

Earl Dahlstrom, Ken Kent, Klyne Snodgrass
with 'The Catch of 76'

In 1976 Coveannt Bible College here in Prince Albert had an intensive learning session intended for Covenant pastors. They came from all over North America to be taught by some of the most learned people in our denomination. Among the elite of the Covenant Professors were Don Frisk, Earl Dahlstrom and Klyne Snodgrass (whose daughter is pictured above enjoying a day at Waskesiu Lake with her mom and dad).

Here we are, 33 years later. As I was looking at the agenda for the Mid-winter Conference for Covenant Pastors in Chicago, which has now begun just this evening, I saw a familiar name on the weekly schedule....Klyne Snodgrass. He will be the leader of three of the morning sessions at that Conference. He's very well known and respected in theological circles. Author of various books, professor at our Seminary in Chicago, and as indicated in the above picture, he also is a fisherman par excellence. Here's a little recent blurb regarding one of his many accomplishments since his Waskesiu fishing days:

"CHICAGO, IL (January 29, 2009) – Christianity Today has named Klyne Snodgrass’s book, Stories with Intent: A Comprehensive Guide to the Parables of Jesus, as the 2009 Book of the Year..."
The other fisherman in the picture with husband is Earl Dahlstrom - "Earl Dahlstrom (C’36, S’40) was professor of pastoral studies and theology from 1954 to 1979. He also served as the director of field education."
And the fellow in the top photo - Don Frisk. "Donald C. Frisk, Covenant Affirmations: This We Believe (1981)." Covenant Affirmations is the "required reading" book for new pastors in the denomination as well as those seeking membership into the Covenannt Church.
There are some days I just forget I have been in the presence of some very gifted and great men.....and husband is right in there with them!
Here's to great 1976 memories of learning, of fun and of the rain!!!.....good times.


Linea said...

Pretty cool. I'll probably be taking a class from Snodgrass in the next year or so.

Anonymous said...

I wish we would have had that pic in Chicago, we could have made some mileage out of it.